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ISCA remains a tier one Defence supplier. Providing stringent quality controls, packaging and life cycle control standards for all mission critical materials and parts.

In addition to upholding these quality standards ISCA has provided extensive stock audits, developed processes and warehousing controls to ensure that exising inventory registered and compliant.

QUALITY CONTROL (Including Collins Class Submarines - OQE):

  • O.Q.E is provided in accordance with RAN (Navy) & Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC) requirements.
  • To ISO 2230:2002, (Second edition 2002-04-15) “Rubber Products-Guidelines for Storage”.
  • To SAE ARP 5316B. This is the new standard for “Storage of Aerospace Elastomeric Seals” & has replaced MIL-695 handbook.
  • ISCA holds ISO 9001:2008 accreditation.


  • Individual Packing of O-Rings & Seals to ARP5316B & Navy “Rubber Clause E032", Also labels to ASC Special requirements.

Note: The label printing on individually packaged rubber seals to the specification Must be indelibly printed on the package itself & the use of ”Stick-on” labels is not acceptable as stated in the standard. “Stick-On” labels can fall off in various environments & contaminants, rendering the goods as unidentifiable & therefore useless, or posing a serious risk, This is why printing must be on the package itself.